■2014年08月12日(火)15:26  2014年お盆休み♪


今日も、少し曇ってますが、暑いです(;^_^A アセアセ・・・




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    The slimmer design allows the S to get its brushes into more places,meaning less dirt for you to clean up later.With more and more tricked-out robot vacuums coming out every year,it feels like we’re entering the golden age of smart cleaners. Outsourcing your cleaning duties to a literal robot might seem like supreme laziness,but when you see one that’s equipped with fancy lasers,the ability to map your floors,and even mop them,you may be okay embracing that.
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    Robot vacuums don't have unwieldy cords or hoses to contend with,and they require little effort from you:cheaptesvorrobotvacuumcleanersonline520 You can run one from your couch using a physical remote or smartphone app,and the higher-end models can be programmed to wake up and start cleaning without any intervention at all. Robot vacs easily dispose of the most common household detritus?food crumbs,pet hair,dust?making them ideal for routine maintenance and quick cleanings when you’re expecting company.
  • best robot vacuum 2019 uk(2019/11/18 03:46)
    Best Vacuum Expert,told me that for a top-down clean,robo vacs are still a bit gimmicky. "I don't think you get the same suction as a heavy-duty upright vacuum,cheaptesvorrobotvacuumcleanersonline520 but for pet hair it’s nice,and they work great on tile and hardwood.” He finds that the robot vacuums are ideal for cleaning up everyday messes and pointed me in the direction of the Shark vacuums,for their design,and the Neato. "The Neato scans the room for dirt and dust and then goes after it,and has a shape with square corners,so it can get into spots more easily.”
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